Friday, January 26, 2007

포브스가 뽑은 웹 유명인 중 UCC 스타

사용자 삽입 이미지

1위는 유튜브에서 인기를 끈 론리걸 8위는 로켓붐이라는 팟캐스팅으로 인기를 얻고 있는 아만다 콩던~~

 1. Jessica Lee Rose: AKA lonelygirl15, she proved that even online, no publicity is bad publicity as she moved on from the controversy surrounding the revelation her act was scripted.
8. Amanda Congdon: After a nasty breakup with Rocketboom, Amanda’s back on her feet with her own site and a rebound fling with ABC News.
11. Ze Frank: Ze has gotten an honest-to-goodness Hollywood agent in the hopes of moving from online to offline and dropping the ‘Internet’ qualifier, becoming just regular famous.
21. Kevin Sites: Don’t let the Playgirl centerfold looks fool you, Kevin has a war correspondent’s dream job — he picks his assignments and Yahoo News picks up the tab.
25. Violet Blue: There isn’t an online medium that Violet doesn’t rank in. Already a star blogger, she started a podcast which dominates iTunes and now holds the mic as an interviewer for Geek Entertainment TV.

1위 론리걸 비디오 영상

18위 아만다 콩던 영상

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Anonymous female escort hawaii said...

너는 아름다운 웹사이트가 있는다!

11:03 AM  
Anonymous facial hair female said...

블로그를 위한 감사합니다.

12:45 PM  

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